March 1, 2013

Until We Meet Again...

I'm traveling out of the area for a weekend visit with my sister in Pittsburgh.  Therefore, no time for a long-winded post.  Lucky you!

I will however post one picture -- This is the first house I cut in a series I'm doing this year.  I adore Victorians!  And I have every intention of owning my own one day.  I hope for it to be a restoration project (thinking of you Insomniac's Attic!) but am not opposed to acquiring one that has already had the work done! ;) 

The piecces will be done seasonally so expect to see the next in this series sometime in May.

Eastlake Victorian
So until my return online on Tuesday, have a wonderful weekend! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, you should definitely go for one that's already finished. Except for your personal decorating touches, of course! ;o)
